News and Blog

Fantastic sailing conditions and a great group of friends
Fantastic sailing conditions and a great group of friends

For the first time this season we left the marina of ACI Split with our wet weather gear on – a welcome change after the heat of Greece! Our guests, a wonderful group of friends from Colorado rolled with it and enjoyed the first few days even though the rain didn’t stop! Picking up mussels while leaving the Krka river, we headed up to Kakan on a close haul, tacking every few minutes to get up the channel. For the novice sailors onboard, this was a great opportunity to get to grips with King’s rigging and learn a little about sailing. We arrived at Kakan just in time for sunset to enjoy a fantastic night of mussels and pasta – with a few good bottles of red wine on board, it was a night to remember. More great sailing followed each day and with perfect blue sky and wonderful winds we enjoyed every point of sail including wing on wing. Stopping at Vis, Hvar and a quick dip at Bol Beach the week came to an end all too quickly with a fantastic last sail back into Split. Thank you gang from Colorado you were a great group and so helpful with every aspect of life aboard, we hope to see you again in Greece.