2011 has been an exciting season. Threats of demonstrations and protests over the Greek economic situation never amounted to more than a 2 week taxi strike and protests never made it out of Athens. The season saw sailors from all over the US and Canada and as far away as Australia, the UK and Ireland. We had a great mix of cabin and flotilla sailors who united with an adventurous spirit, forged an outstanding camaraderie and made lasting friendships. The spring saw calm suntanning weather while the fall taught all sailors about sailing in adverse weather conditions. Both wonderful sailing experiences never to be forgotten. Aside from the ever changing weather mother nature also offered us unique marine life great and small. We saw two types of dolphins; huge Bottle nose and Striped dolphins, caught numerous tuna; who had been feasting on sea horses and kalamari and found huge live nautillus shells. On shore we met hundreds of cats and kittens, none more memorable than Friday; a ships cat from Southampton. We would like to thank everyone who participated with Poseidon Charters 2011 season.