News and Blog

The end of 2014 Greek sailing season
The end of 2014 Greek sailing season

For our last departure, Christiana VIII, Margarita and flotilla yacht Marilena left Athens. We welcomed Stephanos onboard Christiana VIII – a new skipper to Poseidon but a veteran Greek skipper with a passion for fishing! Day one Christiana’s skipper caught his first fish of the trip, but it was Steven and the South African’s aboard Margarita who reeled in the big tuna for BBQ bay at Kithnos. There was great food, music and dancing that night in a deserted bay, where under the stars the mirror ball glittered for birthday celebrations. As the evening came to a close a few people went by dinghy to the beach to light a fire while others sat in the hot thermal spring waters Kithnos is famous for – a spectacular evening for everyone. The next day, after a perfect sail into Ios, we said goodbye to our new South African, Irish and Canadian friends aboard Margarita then on Sunday we welcomed Sawadee a lagoon catamaran with a group of friends from Vancouver.

The second week of the flotilla started with Skinoussa where Deli restaurant was a cut above in creating the best meal of the trip with meze style dish after dish of local Greek flavours. It was a windy passage and night in Paros, followed by a stop in Serifos for a bus ride up to the stunning Chora town looking over the harbour. Heading back to Athens after Kea we realized that all too quickly the season in Greece was over again. Thank you to everyone for sailing with us this year, as always we’ve met some wonderful people, created many stories and eaten our way through the Greek isles! Until 2015…